Monday, February 22, 2010

My Vigina Is Big Purpose And Design;Yes?No?Maybe So?Why Or Why Not?

Purpose and design;Yes?No?Maybe so?Why or why not? - my vigina is big

Objective and Design: God has everything because he had a purpose and design, is based on the purpose of

Ex: The penus (sperm) and Venn (egg)


Big Bang: It's a coincidence, and no purpose or design, everything is random

We need something to attract, so the pictures, but we want: so low, but not on the field they need to do better chairs.We travel on the ground to prepare the ground

Once more objective and design? O Big Bang and coincidence? Exlplain answer please?

Ephisians 3:9 "As you can see all the people what the fellowship of the mystery, which was from the beginning of the world, hidden in God who created all things through Jesus Christ:

James :12-Above all, my brothers, I swearNo, not from heaven or earth or by any other oath, but let you Yes, yes and no, no, so you fall under condemnation.


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